Welcome to the Metropolitan Detroit Polymer Art Guild. We have been a guild for 30 years 1993 - 2023

Welcome to the Metropolitan Detroit Polymer Art Guild.

Celebrating Over 30 Years as a Guild!

Interested in Our Guild? Come to One of Our Meetings!

About MDPAG… History of the Guild


Retreat pin presentationThe Metropolitan Detroit Polymer Art Guild began in 1993 by a small group of polymer clay artists under the direction of Marie Johannes. Thirty two years later, our group has grown to over 50, with members from not only the metro Detroit Area, but from all over Michigan, as well as several from out-of-state.

We are an enthusiastic group of clayers, ranging from the beginner to the seasoned veteran. Besides polymer clay, our members are diverse in their skills and interests, including doll making, jewelry, sculpting, book making, painting, stamping and mixed media. Together, all this talent creates a rich and exciting setting to cultivate and spark creativity!

Some of our membership have taught workshops all over the country, written articles for craft magazines, and many have their work featured in polymer and other craft books. And from the beginning, our annual retreat has attracted clayers from all parts of the country.

We would love to have you join us at our meetings and become an active member of our guild. We are always interested in meeting other clayers and making new friends. See you there!

MDPAG Calendar

All of MDPAG’s events are listed here! Check this calendar often, something is always going on.

Monthly Saturday Meetings

Members usually arrive around 10 am, meetings start at 11 am, with a Clay Day to follow.

  • Saturday, April 19
  • Saturday, May 17
  • Saturday, June 21
  • Saturday, July 19
  • Saturday, August 16
  • Saturday, September 20
  • Saturday, October 18
  • Saturday, November 15

2025 Retreat!

Now’s the time to register for Retreat 2025, April 3-6! Our guest artist will be Amy Koranek. More details in Upcoming Events section below.

Happy Denise
Just call her Sue
MDPAG Membership Perks


Yearly Membership Dues

$35.00 Local/$20 Long Distance Member per year January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025
It’s very easy to join online, just click the button below.

Definition: Membership in good standing

Saturday Meetings! – MDPAG meets on the third Saturday of the month (there are occasionally some exceptions, always check the schedule) for a combined meeting and Clay Day. Meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Livonia, MI. Meetings start at 10:00 am, but there’s time to mingle, see what your old friends have been up to and make a few new ones too. Plan on making a day of it, stick around for the Clay Day afterward!

Members are encouraged to bring in their clay projects to ‘show & tell’, as well as share information about techniques, new books, magazine articles, as well as products and tools! On occasion, our members do demonstrations, if time permits. Come in early and check out our extensive, and ever growing library of polymer clay books and videos.

We hope you stop by!

Our meetings and Clay Day location:
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
34567 7 Mile
Livonia, MI 48152
Get Directions

MDPAG has a long history of sponsoring educational opportunities for our members.
Some of our past instructors and/or retreat guest artists include:

Kathleen Amt
Judy Belcher
Kathy Bingaman *
Carol Blackburn
Leslie Blackford
Kim Cavender
City Zen Cane (Steven Ford and David Forlano)
Jean Comport *
Grant Diffendaffer
Dayle Doroshow
Marla Frankenberg
Christi Friesen
Lynda Gilcher *
Linda Goff
Donna Greenberg
Dorothy Greynolds *
Deb Hart
Lindly Haunani
Debbie Jackson

Victoria “Tory” Hughes
Doreen Kassel
Donna Kato
Karen Lewis (Klew)
Maggie Maggio
Claire Maunsell
Layl McDill
Barbara McGuire
Jan Montarsi
Carissa Nichols
Julie Picarello
Kris Richards *
Nan Roche
Marie Segal
Sarah Shriver
Lynda Struble *
Pier Voulkos
Melanie West
Karen Williams *

* Indicates MDPAG member instructors

We usually bring in one or two nationally recognized polymer clay instructors each year. In addition, we offer ‘Members Only’ classes taught by our own talented members.

Another perk of being a member in good standing is the opportunity to take a class through our Trina’s Way Program. This program, established in 2007 is in memory of Trina Kern, a longtime guild member and past President of MDPAG. Read more about Trina’s Way here.

We are always seeking new and fresh approaches to polymer clay and welcome class proposals from polymer clay instructors.

To learn more, contact our Education Coordinator Susan Kaplan.

Every Spring, MDPAG holds a 4-day clay fest at the Columbiere Center in Clarkston, Michigan. Here we gather for a long weekend of uninterrupted claying, away from our normal routine and other daily distractions. Meals are prepared and served cafeteria style, so no dishes to do either!

MDPAG Retreat is a wonderful chance to explore new ideas and gather inspiration as well as create lasting friendships with other clayers from near and far. There are demos with the featured Guest Artist, as well as our own skilled members, sharing their techniques and years of experience. Our Board puts together fabulous Goodie Bags for everyone, often with new products to try. If you love polymer clay art like we do, our Silent Auction is a great place to add to your collection. All in all, in it’s an experience like no other.

Although MDPAG members like to have fun and exchange claying information at our meetings, at clay days, and at Retreat, we also share a concern for our communities. Most of our meetings are conducted in the metro Detroit area, but our members come from far and wide – from Michigan and beyond. We are establishing a formal Outreach arm of the guild to help “spread the word” about polymer clay among the uninitiated. Spreading the word is even better when we can help others in the process.

In the past we have done such things as creating themed polymer decorations for holiday trees to be auctioned to benefit Children’s Hospital and making Bottles of Hope to help provide some emotional support to people who have cancer. Future outreach activities include displaying our art in public venues such as libraries, hospitals, and citizens’ clubs. And, if you have a location that could use a polymer clay exhibit, please contact Outreach Chair Kathie Harroun or any Board Member.

After every Saturday meeting we stay for a Clay Day. It’s a great opportunity for members to learn and share with other guild members. Clay Days after 1:00 pm are open to the public.

Clay Days are usually held at:

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
39020 5 Mile Rd.
Livonia, MI 48154

MDPAG members enjoy the privilege of access to our extensive book and video library. Our Librarian makes sure our selections stay fresh and updated. This material offers a fun and affordable way to continually learn new techniques and be inspired by new and established artists in the polymer clay world.

For the past several years, many MDPAG members have participated in organized swaps of their artwork. Each year the group has selected a theme, established guidelines, and worked to produce swap items.

In addition to participating in the annual swaps, members may contribute whenever they want to an ever-growing strand of beads. Some members have several beads on the strand while others have not yet donated a bead. We even have some beads donated from visiting instructors. The beads provide members an opportunity to share their work in new areas of interest or in areas of their expertise while using relatively little clay.

MDPAG is on Facebook. You can also chat with other members on our Yahoo Members Only Group.

Check back here often to see fellow members work in the Gallery section (Our Work), the calendar of events, member benefits, and links to other polymer clay sites around the web. Don’t see one of your favorite websites here? Get the information to Webmaster Linda Vilas-Helton.

Upcoming Events
Amy Koranek will be the MDPAG Retreat guest artist

Amy Koranek

MDPAG Retreat 2025! April 3-6, 2025

It’s our 29th retreat! This year’s guest artist is Amy Koranek

Here’s the Details

We’re looking forward to our 29th Annual Retreat.  We will again have a silent auction (on Saturday Afternoon) as well as other familiar retreat activities.  Our guest artist for 2025 is Amy Koranek, from Polyform.

No alarms, no beds to make, no children (or spouses) to tend. Meals prepared and shared with delightful company. No dishes to do!  And Polymer Clay.

Held at the Colombiere Center in Clarkston, Retreat 2025 will be a long weekend of uninterrupted claying, an opportunity to create art and catch up with friends.

It’s a weekend of fun, check out some of the previous retreats (click on the Retreats menu tab above).

Outreach Program: Spreading the Love of Polymer Clay!

As part of our Outreach Program, guild members volunteer to teach monthly beginner classes at Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit in Royal Oak, MI. Additionally, they contribute art pieces for sale to support Gilda’s fundraising efforts.

class at Gilda's Club
class at Gilda's Club
class at Gilda's Club
decorated frames
Donated polymer clay hearts for sale

Guild member Lisa Fugenzi donated 100 polymer clay heart pins to be sold to raise funds for Gilda’s Club.

Fun at the Meetings and Workshops

Dorothy doing a color demo

Meet the Board

Cristy Rice


Charmaine Lipa

Vice President, Historian, & Membership

Dorothy Greynolds


Kathy Weinberg

Treasurer & Retreat Coordinator

Susan Kaplan


Sue Kelsey

Sue Kelsey


Kathie Harroun


Linda Vilas-Helton Webmaster and Past President

Linda Vilas-Helton

Past President
& Webmaster

Favorite Links

A listing of our members’ favorite polymer clay related websites